mardi, octobre 04, 2005

The Party

When you do a party, at a certain point it seems you have to prepare something (and not anything). And I don’t say that because i firmly believe best parties are improvised ones, it seems indeed true that big parties need to be prepared.
So now, i’m learning, watching, observing, taking an « how to give a good party » lesson in a way. Because don’t forget that the Z. is also officially THE entertainment coordinator of this NGO, and after a 2-years observation round, i must say that is quite good at it.

So what’s the story ?
I don’t remember everything, but what I know is that you need :
A greek house (also called « pumpkin house » by handicrafts amateurs)
A french cook
A swedish bartender and her acolyte the veggie-alcohol-free rasta
Lots of drinks
Some food
Collection of music
Guests, of course (but, then, you know…)

But then, really, the swedish blonde did it all…
so why the rest ?

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